July 18, 2012

Dash Camera: Test Video

After installing the dashboard video camera last week, we thought we should try recording some video and see how easy it is to transfer it onto the computer. Today we ran some errands and were thinking about which piece of our boring around-the-town video we would look at.

Then this happened:

Note the stale yellow light at the start. The red truck goes through very late, but the old guy in the white wagon just was not paying attention.

We have replaced the original audio (imagine a lot of honking, if you can) with a track from the Youtube library called "Sound Of Silence" by Orlando Jopling.

Transferring the video from the camera's SD card was as simple as getting files off any digital camera. Nice that Youtube offers the tools to trim the video down to just the exciting bit.

So there's a sample of the dashboard video camera.

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